Graphic Recording

A documentation of your event in real time / remotely or live

Whether conferences, events or presentations of any kind - with our live visual recording, we summarize presentations in a memorable and appealing way. The goal is to visually link the different views of the speakers, for a common understanding of the participants.


How it works

The most important content and ideas of your event or webinar are visually documented in real-time. Whether live on a large mural or remotely via video screen. The result is then made available to you and the participants as a "big picture". 


Benefits & Advantages

  • dry or complex issues are visually documented not only in a simple, but above all comprehensible way that everyone can understand
  • participants are more attentive due to the simultaneously recorded development process of the picture. This boosts motivation to participate, stimulates individual creativity and involves participants more intensively in the dialog
  • the memory capacity is increased by the illustration of the said and remains in the memory of the participants longer

Example: Digital Graphic Recording for the UX Academy 2021

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With the click on the play button an external video from is loaded and started. Your data is possible transferred and stored to third party. Do not start the video if you disagree. Find more about the youtube privacy statement under the following link:
Marc Jentsch

Contact Press / Media

Dr. Marc Jentsch

Innovation Engineering Lead

Phone +49 2241 143-777

Lisa Schlömer

Contact Press / Media

Lisa Schlömer

Phone +49 2241 143-749